Tuesday 8 July 2014

Lobatan! Nurse gets fired for filming Neymar in hospital (Watch Video)

According to reports, The nurse who filmed Brazilian striker Neyma being wheeled around on a hospital trolley has been fired, according to an article on Brazilan football site UOL.

The nurse has been criticized for not only recording the football star in that state but also for blowing kisses to the camera afterwards and laughing. She then posted the video to her Facebook page. The hospital management released a statement saying the nurse, named Chintia, has been fired. See the video after the cut... 

2 Men Chased By Police Get Crushed To Death In Lagos

According to eyewitnesses, it all started after an okada rider and his passengers, 2 in number, lost their lives while being chased by the police. They were trying to evade the police who were chasing them to seize their bike, unfortunately, they ran into a BRT bus and were crushed to death. On seeing the accident, angry area boys reportedly attacked the police, chased them away and burnt their vehicle. Thankfully, the army arrived on time to calm the situation. See photos of the police van, BRT bus, the dead after the cut. 

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